Matt Larson developed an automated spindle-tracking software – the “Spindlometer” – and applied it to address an ongoing question: How do spindles within an epithelium achieve their proper orientation, typically along the long axis of …
An interaction between myosin-10 and the cell cycle regulator Wee1 links spindle dynamics to mitotic progression in epithelia
Previous work by Sarah Woolner showed that depletion of myosin-10, an unconvential myosin, results in deranged spindle morphology and motility (see pdf). Josh Sandquist and Matt Larson followed up on this finding and identified Wee1, a …
Spindle–F-actin interactions in mitotic spindles in an intact vertebrate epithelium
In this paper Angela Kita and Zac Swider tackled a longstanding question in cell biology: Does F-actin play a role in mitotic spindle assembly? Despite numerous attempts over the past 50 years, convincing evidence for …